What core values do you believe are fundamental to a rich and satisfying family life? Please explain.
What is your ideal vision of family life 15 years from now? Be as vivid as you can be. Think about your ideal lifestyle, location(s), work (or not), travel, etc., and how you envision spending your time.
What do you see as your primary roles/responsibilities as a parent and spouse, both now and in the future?
What do you believe should be your spouse’s primary roles/responsibilities as a parent and spouse, both now and in the future?
When would you ideally like to retire?
Please describe your ideal retirement lifestyle. How will you spend your time? What will be your priorities? What will you enjoy most?
How much income will you need to support this lifestyle?
How do you plan to support your desired lifestyle when you retire? (e.g., investments, gigs, retirement careers, etc.)